Since the end of  March  we have a new 3D printer in our High School.

In 1st ESO, we are studying  mechanism, so the teacher has designed a gear with Sketchup, to  show how the printer works. 
And this is the result:

Printer working

The students could see the  printer working:

We are learning little by little each day.

Different objects printed in our High School
Other view of the gear

What is 3D impression (3D)?


Printing a text document or an image on paper is something we do every day, and it is a two-dimensional impression (2D), but if we add one more dimension, we can get an object with real volume, which we can pick up and feel instead of just seeing an image reproduced on paper.

To print the models in 3D, they must be programmed with a specific software (Autocad, Sketchup, Blender, among others), and then export it in the appropriate format to a program that interprets the model and prepares it for printing.

Finally send to the printer (previous configuration of parameters, DIFFICULT TASK!)) so that it is printed, something that can last  between 20 minutes and more than 12 hours, depending on the size, height, and complexity of the piece.

To learn more about the Hystory of 3DPrinter: